25+ non-food FREE printable valentines ideas perfect for sharing in the classroom or around the neighborhood.

Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate love and affection. For kids, it can be extra fun because they get to give and receive valentines, usually made with their own hands. This year, why not forgo the usual store-bought cards in favor of something semi-homemade but just as special? These 25+ free printable Valentines are perfect for kids of all ages and will keep them entertained for hours on end.
If you’re looking for a non-food Valentines idea to share in the classroom or around the neighborhood check this list out. With everything from fun activities like coloring pages and jokes to cute toys and creative craft jewelry, they’re something for everyone. Plus, all of the Valentines cards are designed to be printer-friendly, so you can easily create them at home. So get your printer fired up and let the crafting begin!
Printable valentines downloads can be found at the originators site. You can find that by clicking the name of the valentine or the image.
I’ve also included Amazon affiliate links to some of the party favors or items that go along with each valentine printable. I hope you find them helpful. If you purchase any item from amazon after using one of my links, Amazon pays me a very small amount as a “Thank you” for sending you that way. This is at no additional cost to you, these funds help me continue producing fun, us
1. Land or Sea, MER-MAID To Be Friends! | Kitchen Cents
This cute mermaid Valentine was so fun to create. With 3 sizes to choose from you will be set for Valentine’s Day before you know it. We paired this cute tag with store-bought kinetic sand. For the classroom, I used 4oz containers and split a large bag of kinetic sand from Amazon to make it MUCH cheaper. You could also forgo the container and put the sand right into the bag. I added a small sand toy I found in a set at Dollar Tree.
2. Hope You Have A BALL Valentine! | Somewhat Simple
Grab a bag of bouncy balls and this free printable for a fun interactive Valentine both girls and boys will love. She recommends a 1″ circle punch to clip the circle out of the card and 27mm bouncy balls.
3. You QUACK Me Up! | Love The Day
Who wouldn’t like a cute little rubber ducky for Valentine’s Day especially if they were fun pink and red rubber duckies with hearts on them!
4. I MUSTACHE You A Question… | Let’s DIY It All
These easy valentines are so fun. I’m sure there would be many laughs in the classroom when classmates tried their fake mustaches on for size.
5. Glow Stick Valentines | Persia Lou
Your little one will be a Rockstar when they pass out these fun glow stick valentines.
6. You Make Me Really SLAPPY! | What Moms Love
As a kid, I remember loving slap bracelets. Now my girls love them and their friends will too!
7. Valentine Joke Teller | Brendid
No need for extra toys, prizes or additions for this entertaining kid’s valentine. Do you remember playing with these? We used them as “fortune tellers” but as a Valentine’s joke teller, this would make for a great older kids Valentine.
8. DOH You Want To Be My Valentine? | The Nerd’s Wife
The kids are going to love these cute printable Valentines with a mini cup of playdoh attached.
9. I Am So Glad We Are In The Same TROOP | Armelle
Do you have a little one that’s into army guys? These printable Valentines are for you! Super easy and fun, just print, cut and attach a mini army soldier.
10. I Hope you Have A ROOT-TOOTING Valentine’s Day | Crafty Chicks
A whoopee cushion isn’t your typical valentine gift but I thought this valentine was hilarious and I’m sure the kids will love it too. A super unique idea with a cute printable Valentines card to go with it.
11. I Like How You ROLL! | 30 Days
This fun printable would pair great with a small toy truck or car and boys and girls alike would enjoy them.
12. You Make My Heart POP! | Fun Squared
Bubbles are a timeless party favor. Perfect for all ages and so fun when they are mini.
13. You’ve Got The WRITE Stuff, Valentine! | My Name Is Snickerdoodle
These pop pencil valentines are great but if you’d like to lessen the expense you could also do a regular valentine pencil instead.
14. You Make Me Smile When Skies Are Gray | Smart School House
These printable valentines along with a watercolor paint set will bring hours of entertainment.
15. I Have EYES Only For You! | Craft Create Cook
Grab a pair of fun kids play glasses and this creative printable valentine for a fun classroom valentine.

16. Sip! Sip! Hooray! | Bargain Briana
All you need for this printable valentines to turn into fantastic valentines are some fun Krazy Straws.

17. For CRAYON Out Load! Happy Valentine’s Day! | How Does She
Do you have a bunch of old crayons lying around? If yes, this tutorial and printable is perfect for you. Turn those unused or broken crayons into a fun, colorful valentine favor.
18. COLOR Your Heart Out | Craftaholics Anonymous
While I’m on the subject of crayons and coloring, if you have some brand new crayons you’d like to add to this printable, you’d have a fun activity as a valentine.
19. Word Search Printable | About A Mom
Add a mini pencil to the back of this printable and you have yourself a valentine + activity.
20. You Make My Heart SOAR! | Homemade Heather
Attach this printable to airplane party favors or a homemade paper airplane.
21. SPRINKLED WITH LOVE Confetti Valentine | Happiness Is Homemade
I thought this valentine was cute and fun but I’m not sure how I feel about this one coming home with one of my girls. My luck it would be opened and blown right in the living room. LOL
22. SQUISH You A Happy Valentine’s Day! | Passion For Savings
Just like pop fidgets, these mochi squishy toys have been all the rage lately. All the kids will love getting one of these for Valentine’s Day.
23. Just POPPIN’ By To Say… | Mom Envy
Pop fidgets are the new awesome play thing, aren’t they? All the kids are going to love this for Valentine’s Day!
24. Will You Be My Valen-SLIME? | The Savvy Sparrow
I have a love-hate relationship with slime + kids. I love when my kids play and enjoy it but hate the mess it can create. That said, this would be the ultimate valentines favor for my two oldest and would be great for older grades. Amy has a recipe for homemade slime along with the cute printable. She also recommends 2oz portion cups with lids.
25. You Are One A-DOH-ABLE Valentine! | Printable Crush
You really can’t go wrong with a cute playdoh valentine especially for those younger grades.
26. Let’s BAND Together And Be Friends Forever | Kori Clark
If you have a crafty crafter that would like to hand make a valentine, this one is it. All you need is a Rainbow Loom and bands. If time is of the essence you could also pair this printable with store-bought bracelets.
Well that’s a wrap! You can pick your favorite and start the printer OR if there’re too many “favorites” play eenie-meenie-miney-mo. Happy crafting and Happy Valentine’s Day!
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